Maastricht University offers two EMFC|RC programmes: the Dutch-language Executive Master of Finance and Control (EMFC) and this international Executive Master of Finance and Control (iEMFC, language English).
Maastricht University is keen to keep in touch with its former students. The bond created between university and student during an important phase in their lives makes each alumnus an ambassador of Maastricht University’s (i)EMFC|RC programme at home and abroad. Maastricht University wants to keep this bond close and alive. Good communication and information exchange between the university and alumni are of great importance in this respect.
When the diploma is received, graduates sometimes lose track of developments in the field and it is important to stay in contact with the educational institution, lecturers and fellow students. Therefore, Maastricht Registered Controllers founded AMCO in 1998. The purpose of this alumni association of both the Dutch- and the international controllers programme is to look after the interests of its members, promote responsible professional practice, contribute to the professional development of its members, contribute to the Maastricht controllers programmes and maintain a network of graduates. AMCO gives substance to this network by organising informative activities such as lectures, conferences and company visits and various informal activities.
AMCO is the meeting place for the (i)EMFC alumni and has over 800 members/RCs.
If you would like more information about AMCO or planned activities, or would like to organise something yourself please contact the board at
Drs. Rob Jacobs RA RC
Contact person AMCO