International program Registered Controller, Maastricht University

As part of Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics, UMIO organises the unique international part-time programme Executive Master of Finance and Control (iEMFC). The programme’s goal is deepening and expanding current financial-economic knowledge that is essential for (future) controllers, financial managers, consultants, interim financials and of course CFOs. Participants participate in this part-time programme, next to their work. A strongly case-oriented teaching method is used at a postgraduate level, whereby the theory is applied to concrete practical problems, sometimes introduced by the students themselves. The education is small-scale in order to take maximum advantage of each other’s input and experience.

Are you a finance and control professional looking to enhance your strategic business skills and improve your career prospects? Do you work for a corporation based in or with offices in the Netherlands or have important ties with firms based here? Then the international Executive Master of Finance and Control (iEMFC) could be right for you.

The programme is particularly suited for you if you’ve been working in international financial practice for at least two years and have a master’s-level background in finance, accounting or information management. It is a part-time programme that takes two years. The seminar locations are Maastricht and could be Boston, Shanghai, Barcelona, or in the city of another partner university.

programme 2025

Fast facts

Duration & Format

2 years, part-time, modular

Language of instruction



Every March, July and November



Tuition fee

€ 26.500 excluding additional costs (scholarship possibilities)

Application deadline

No deadline, limited number of places. First come, first serve!

Why this programme?

The international Executive Master of Finance and Control (iEMFC) is specifically designed for working professionals in international finance and control. The programme spans two years and instruction is given during six seminars to offer a better balance between work and study while facilitating the participation of professionals who reside in all parts of the world. These seminars are scheduled throughout the globe and in relatively quiet periods for finance and control managers.

Earn two degrees
This programme will prepare you for two degrees: the Dutch Registered Controller (RC, via the Vereniging van Registercontrollers) and the international Executive Master of Finance and Control (EMFC). It is the only programme of its kind in the world. You’ll also have the opportunity to take the CIMA exams with limited additional study.

International experience
During this programme, you will not only develop knowledge and skills, but also international accessibility and understanding. From day one, you’ll be challenged with differing viewpoints and experiences as you interact with staff and students from all over the world. Your worldview will be enhanced by this interaction as well as from interactions during your extended visits to Maastricht and abroad. About two-third of the students in this master’s programme have an international background, and this also applies to a large part of the iEMFC teaching faculty (US, China, Europe, North America, etc.). Such diversity creates an international atmosphere that is strengthened by the international orientation of the programme.

Developing your talent together…
This programme is designed with a strategic orientation, meaning that each programme component incorporates strategic issues that will better prepare you for executive positions. And links between information technology and business are pervasive throughout all programme components.

Admission to the programme is selective, which guarantees that you’ll also be interacting with other talented professionals who have often been explicitly nominated for participation by their employers. During the seminars, you’ll work in small groups in a highly interactive educational environment. You will also receive personal attention from faculty, management and programme staff. This will ensure that you fully comprehend the content of the programme and that you gain the maximum benefit from the expertise of the staff.

why iemfc
“This programme appealed to me because its content is perfectly in line with my current position as a controller for Albert Heijn and for the development of my career. The lecture topics are diverse and range from finance to supply chain management. This broad view really enhances the quality of a controller’s everyday business life. Not only is the programme itself very useful, it is also extremely beneficial because of the discussions with other students. I have high expectations for my career now. There are always opportunities in the Ahold Group and having an international background gives you lots of prospects.” (About two-third of the students in this master’s programme have an international background, as well as a lot of international faculty (US, China, Europe, North America, etc.). (Emma Labas, iEMFC alumna)

Tuition fee

The tuition fee for the iEMFC programme is € 26,500 for the entire programme (2 years) and 1 additional year if needed for writing your thesis. You can pay this in two installments of € 13,250, which should be made by the beginning of the first year and the second year of the programme. There are possibilities to discuss payment arrangements with the programme management. This fee is excluding additional costs and does not include accommocation and travel expenses.

Year 1:    € 13.250
Year 2:    € 13.250

Registercontroller Collegegeld
“In today’s global and rapidly changing environment, multinational companies need to rely more on Finance & Control executives. It is their focus on internal controls, their business analytics and their management & financial accounting skills that enable a company to measure progress and to achieve strategic objectives. Finance & Control executives are more involved in strategy definition and execution within their organisation, often taking the lead. The iEMFC programme contributes to developing the right skill set and competencies that are paramount for a successful career in Finance & Control. (Hans van Geloven, iEMFC alumnus)”


The international Executive Master of Finance and Control (iEMFC) programme is taught through a series of six seminars that take place in Maastricht and abroad the Netherlands. Each seminar takes nine days and starts on Thursday with exams. Classes run from Thursday evening up to and including Saturday (nine hours a day). On Sunday there are no classes and that is a leisure day.

Year 1

Year 2


The courses are completed in different ways; this depends on the subject and the intended learning effect. It can be with a written exam, an individual paper assignment, and/or a combination with a group case assignment. Further information about the content of the courses, the method of completion and the thesis can be requested.

“Very international program which facilitates great interaction with peers from other companies on academic topics.”

Tutorial group meetings

Our iEMFC teaching pedagogy for an education session is as follows. Preferably the students go out in subgroups to work on a specific assignment. Mostly these assignments are small cases or newspaper articles of max 3 pages A4. Typically there are 4 or 5 questions linked to the case. There are small breakout sessions and large sessions, depending on the case itself. Each seminar the iEMFC program office assigns students to new subgroups. This is for efficiency reasons but also to make sure that students sufficiently mix and mingle.

Besides the introduction/overview by the lecturer, there will be a wrap-up/conclusion at the end.


The iEMFC programme contains 6 seminars and lasts approximately 2 years. During these condensed seminars the educational group meetings take place. The thesis is also started early in the second year of the study programme. However, some students find it more pleasant to complete the thesis after the seminars and all the assessments in order to have a good ‘work-life-programme balance’ during the first two years. In that case, the lead time could be slightly longer.

“The iEMFC program is an excellent program to build and refresh the knowledge for a finance professional or business controller. It’s interactive and international character, coupled with good content, great teaching and supporting staff and interesting international fellow students ensure it remains engaging throughout the program.”


The student who successfully completes the programme can request registration in the register of the Association of Register Controllers (VRC, Vereniging van Register Controllers). The registrant obtains the right to use the title ‘Register Controller’ and to place the letters ‘RC’ after his/her name. This title serves to identify the profession and as a quality mark. The title RC is well known in the market for controllers, CFOs and other financials. The iEMFC/RC programme is widely regarded as the highest attainable in the field of Finance & Control. Many organizations require an RC title to fill senior management positions and thus CFOs.
The scientifically accredited program of Maastricht University awards the Master of Science (MSc) degree ‘Executive Master of Finance and Control’ upon completion. The quality image of Maastricht University gives the title extra weight.

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Maastricht University offers two EMFC|RC programmes: the Dutch-language Executive Master of Finance and Control (EMFC) and this international Executive Master of Finance and Control (iEMFC, language English).

Maastricht University is keen to keep in touch with its former students. The bond created between university and student during an important phase in their lives makes each alumnus an ambassador of Maastricht University’s (i)EMFC|RC programme at home and abroad. Maastricht University wants to keep this bond close and alive. Good communication and information exchange between the university and alumni are of great importance in this respect.

When the diploma is received, graduates sometimes lose track of developments in the field and it is important to stay in contact with the educational institution, lecturers and fellow students. Therefore, Maastricht Registered Controllers founded AMCO in 1998. The purpose of this alumni association of both the Dutch- and the international controllers programme is to look after the interests of its members, promote responsible professional practice, contribute to the professional development of its members, contribute to the Maastricht controllers programmes and maintain a network of graduates. AMCO gives substance to this network by organising informative activities such as lectures, conferences and company visits and various informal activities.

AMCO is the meeting place for the (i)EMFC alumni and has over 800 members/RCs.

If you would like more information about AMCO or planned activities, or would like to organise something yourself please contact the board at

Drs. Rob Jacobs RA RC
Contact person AMCO